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October 06, 2004 - 10:59 a.m.

Did anyone watch the VP debate?

I started to and then came to the conclusion that these were not decision makers.

In fact it would have made better TV if they were throwing darts at one another.

Does anyone know what Kerry's agenda REALLY is?

Is he going to pull out of the Middle East? Is he going to save our environment and how? What is he going to do with Stem Cells? What is he going to do about gay marriages? What are his plans for Social Security and Healthcare?

All I know is he opposes Bush, but in what and what is he going to do differently. I want to vote for him but am afraid of the unknown.

At least with Bush I know what to expect and maybe I'll tough it out another term so he can finish this Iraq stuff.

I don't know.....

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